Frequently Asked Questions
1) What are the typical situations where CollwisMax could be used?
The typical situations emanate from four viewpoints. Exploration, problem-solving, risk management (i.e., preventing problems proactively) or improvement. All four simultaneously is an even better objective. Cost control, inventory control, improving productivity, quality, delivery performance, profit margins, employee engagement are typical areas of focus.
Specifically, I use this framework while implementing any manufacturing improvement programmes (e.g. lean or agile), supply chain excellence programmes (lean, SRM, inventory control initiatives etc.), ERP implementation or work culture transformation initiatives.

2) What are the differences between a change project, a transformation programme and a continuous improvement programme or are they the same?
While all three involve a change of some kind, these three types of initiatives have three different types of scopes.
a) A change is usually focused on a particular aspect, function or problem. It is invariably a project or a small set of interrelated projects (often called a programme) leading to the achievement of pre-determined set objectives. For example, reducing waste and increasing yield or replacing the existing computer system for better speed and accuracy.
b) A transformation is a major change which can be structural or a complete and marked change in multiple aspects leading to an overall radical makeover. A transformation programme may or may not have one single set of objectives, but it entails significant overall lasting benefits through multiple benefits which are often not completely specific at the outset of the improvement programme.
c) A continuous improvement programme (usually popularly based on Kaizen philosophy) involves a process of generating and implementing a multitude of small improvements (as against a large change project) leading to one or a variety of benefits over a period of time.
To combine the benefits of all the three types above, often a process called Kaizen Blitz is undertaken by various improvement practitioners.

3) How do you actually use the CollwisMax framework?
I use it essentially as a guiding or steering model. It can be used for all four types of associations i.e. Coaching, facilitation, mentoring and consulting.
There are three levels of sophistication or effort that the framework can be used at:
a) Coach's own guidance;
b) Shared awareness and steering;
c) Miniaturised mapping and control (In this, there are rated templates and detailed compilation of reports);
4) What is the difference between coaching, facilitation, mentoring and consulting?
Coaching is focused on successfully accomplishing (once or on a recurring basis) a specific task or a process or successfully learning a specific skill or behaviour. The focus is dual i.e. on that task or skill or behaviour or process as well as on a team or an individual that is subjected to the process of achieving the results.
Facilitation is a process wherein the focus is primarily on guiding the decision-making process in which is the focus is primarily on the task or process and the drive is primarily to successfully reach the desired decision or a set of decisions. Shaping or conditioning individuals' performance or ability is secondary or sometimes even not intended.
Mentoring focuses on developing individuals' capabilities in terms of their skills and behaviours which in turn enable them to achieve the desired results. In the process of mentoring, individuals' skill and behaviour development is the prime focus and the results they achieve as a part of mentoring process are secondary.
Consulting is completely task-focused and, in the consulting process, consultants are required to use their own expertise to develop the recommendation which may typically involve diagnostic or assessment reports, solutions, implementation plans and associated potential risks as well as benefits or such other aspects as agreed.
All these four processes may often have overlapping scopes and blurred boundaries. However, the conceptual clarity on these differences provides clarity in the overall course of the programme.