Collwis Max
It is common to see that organizations regularly embrace various popular techniques, tools and methodologies, which are often new to them, to accomplish a substantial business improvement. This includes lean business principles (lean manufacturing, lean supply chain, operational excellence or continuous improvement), statistical process control initiatives such as Six-Sigma, strategic planning tools, Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs), large technology upgradation projects or new product ranges etc. However, irrespective of what they are, such changes, often, either do not lead to the intended objectives or the costs exceed the budgets or the programme or project takes much longer than the planned duration. An after-thought invariably lingers in the minds of the stakeholders that something could have been done better - more judiciously! Unexpected erosion of resources just inevitably happens. The common denominator that increases the probability of success and reduces the probability of failure in such initiatives is collective wisdom.
This aspect is broken down into some components and structured further in the framework Collwis Max. The basic concept is as shown in a simple block diagram. Collective wisdom maximisation process bridges the concepts, theories, tools and techniques to the day-to-day processes, procedures, methods, forums and mainly the decision-making. These in turn yield the results which are as desired or sub-optimal or even sometimes not desired. The collective wisdom framework optimizes the whole process to maximize the gains and minimize any adverse effects.
Collective wisdom, which by combining the dictionary meanings of the two words, would mean
"the quality of a group of having experience, knowledge and good judgement "
for the purpose of application is further modelled in CollwisMax as seen in the imagery of a tree which consists of four distinct zones:
The Roots (Fundamental Principles)
Value proposition or the purpose (the "why");
System perspective (PPPT i.e. People, Process, Products and Technology);
Leadership and Sponsorship; and
The technical prowess, core or speciality of the business
The Trunk (Bridging Principles)
These are numerous and fall in categories such as moderation or sense of proportion, skills , behaviours etc.
The Branches and Leaves
The routine procedures, practices and transactions
The Fruit
The results - small and big - one time and recurring
The practical application of the framework is done by dividing each part into numerous aspects and ratings.
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